Hi everyone,
here is a generall information on how to install new resources/Scripts/models for your FiveM server. Some scripts has dependencies which you must install also (i.g. Esx, vRP) but procedure is always almost the same
- On your FivM server (server-data) you will find resources folder, all scripts and models are stored there. You must save your scripts or models in this folder.
- In root FiveM Server folder you will find sarver.cfg file. All start statements for the models and scripts are stored here. You should add start [resource name] to force server to start your script or model. You start statement should have the same name as a script folder. Some scripts must be started in specific order. If you want to deactivate resource just set # on the beginning of the row where script should be started.
- Some resources requiere database adjustements. Some rows/fields or tables should be added to the database. Usually you will find a SQL file which you should execute. You can do that with phpMyAmin or mySQL workbench). Without adjusements script won’t be work properly.
- Most of the scripts have config.lua file. This is the file where you can make some generall adjustements for the script. Like locations, price…
- Language file is usually in the locales folder of the resource.
- After you have adjust files, have saved folder and executed sql you should restart server and enjoy new script/models