FiveM Server related information
Some infos (server.cfg, IP, key mapping)
Public FiveM Sandbox Server is currently in testing phase 😉
I hope you will enjoy it when it is ready 😉
FiveM Server information
# These resources will start by default.
start mapmanager
start chat
# start chat-theme-civlifechat
# start esx_rpchat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start EasyAdmin
add_ace group.admin easyadmin allow
set ea_moderationNotification “false”
set ea_minIdentifierMatches 2
# start bob74_ipl
start PvP
start wap-settings
start wap-chatlog
add_ace group.admin webadmin allow
start trafficadjuster
exec resources/vMenu/config/permissions.cfg
add_ace group.admin “vMenu.Everything” allow
setr vmenu_bans_database_filepath “resources/vMenu/”
start vMenu
add_ace group.admin easyadmin allow
set ea_moderationNotification “false”
set ea_minIdentifierMatches 2
set ea_moderationNotification “false”
set ea_minIdentifierMatches 2
set ea_minIdentifierMatches 2
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
## From ESX Pack ##
start async
start cron
start es_extended
start esx_addons_gcphone
start gcphone
start instance
start es_camera
start skinchanger
start esx_accessories
start esx_addonaccount
start esx_addoninventory
start esx_society
#start esx_phone
start esx_policejob
start esx_ambulancejob
start esx_animations
# start esx_atm
start esx_bankerjob
start esx_barbershop
start esx_basicneeds
start esx_billing
start esx_boat
start esx_boilerplate
start esx_clotheshop
start esx_cruisecontrol
start esx_datastore
start esx_dmvschool
start esx_drugs
# start esx_garage
start esx_holdup
start esx_identity
start esx_joblisting
start esx_jobs
start esx_license
start esx_lscustom
start esx_mechanicjob
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_dialog
start esx_menu_list
start esx_migrate
start esx_optionalneeds
start esx_property
start esx_realestateagentjob
start esx_rpchat
start esx_service
# start esx_shops
start esx-kr-advanced-shops
start esx_sit
start esx_skin
start esx_status
start esx_taxijob
start esx_vehicleshop
start esx_voice
start esx_weaponshop
## End of ESX Pack ##
start es_ui
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.essentialmode command.sets allow
start rconlog
# start scoreboard
start realistic_carpack
start pack1
start esx_carlock
start carhud
start esx_carmileage
start LegacyFuel
start radio
start esx_speedcamera
start InteractSound
start esx_menu_default
start RealisticVehicleFailure
start ocrp_postal_map
start banner_anim
start Sign_rp
start esx_advancedgarage
start trew_hud_ui
# start esx_invest
start new_banking
start el_business
start esx_gym
start ult-yachtclub
# start explorer
start nk_repair
start progressBars
start mythic_notify
start mythic_progressbar
# start esx_busjob
start chip_criminalDoctor
start PetClinic
start accidenteffect
start esx-kr-vehicle-push
start MercedesBenz
start RmodcarsPack
start ziv-loadscreen
start esx_moneywash
# start onyxDumpsters
start ult-rehab
start smokey_motel
start smokey_motel_exterier
start Project-Shops
# start xnNightclub
start esx_uteknark
start lunapark
start electric-skateboard
start skatepark
start esx_realparking
start esx_allrounddealer
start laundry
start inferno-weapons
start Weaponry
start hostageMLOpatoche
start shelbys_paletohomes
start 3DWelcomeMessage
start ChairBedSystem
start camping
start esx_hifi
start sw-nitro
# start brakediscs
start esx_AdvancedFishing
start utk_fleeca
start smokey_grove
start esx-kr-bag-inventory
start weapons-on-back
start ContainerForklift
start egn_morgue
start esx_nightclub
start rflx_beanmachine
start esx_tattoosShops
start Lenzh_chopshop
# start esx_menu_dialog
# start esx_trunk
start esx_simpletp
start esx_crafting
start lakehouse
start breze_church
# start GX_Skydiving
start xnArena
start Rasen
start hypnonema
start hypnonema-map
add_ace identifier.steam:[your steam id] “command.hypnonema” allow
start villa
start MPM
# start paintball_map
# start esx_paintball
# start gun
start CoffinDance
start frobski-fireworks
# start esx_collectables
start CarryPeople
start PiggyBack
start TakeHostage
start dpclothing
start XNLRideAnimals
start GrapeBank
start GrapeBarber
start GrapeLiquor
start FiveM-DriftCounter
# start Drift-Script
# start NurburgringNordschleife
# cars_test_pack
start AstonMartinOne77
start AstonMartinVanquish
start AudiA6
start AudiR8
start BentleyContinentalGT
start BmwM3E30
start BugattiChiron
start BugattiVeyron
start ChevroletCorvetteC7
start ChevroletChevelleSS454
start DodgeViperSRT
start DodgeChargerSRT
start FerrariF12
start FerrariF40
start FerrariF80
start FerrariLaFerrari
start FordGT2005
start FordGT2017
start FordMustangGT1965
start FordMustangGT2015
start FordMustangHoonicorn
start HondaCivicTypeR
start HondaNSX
start KoenigseggAgeraR
start LamborghiniGallardoLP560
start MazdaRX7Veilside
start McLarenF1
start McLarenP1
start MercedesC63
start MercedesG65
start MercedesSLS
start MiniCooperS
start MitsubishiEvoIX
start Nissan370Z
start NissanGTR
start NissanSkyline
start Porsche918Spyder
start PorscheCayenneTurboS
start PorscheGT2RS
start RollsRoycePhantom
start ShelbyGT500
start SubaruWRXSTI
start ToyotaSupraJZA80
start utk_arcadegames
start schafter
start esx_thelostmc
start dmc12cp
start textures-replace
# start rgz_menu
# start moneyheistblimp
start NativeUI
# start polspeak
start ch5
start nDoorLocked
start zone
start pNotify
start BlaineCountySignals
start rflx_marabunta
start esx_pun_carwash
# start map-supersquare
start casinoV2
# start casinoexterior
# start casinointerior
# start cassino_props
# start vwdlc_int_02
# start simpletp-bySimpleX
# start ch3_additions
start cassino_props
start vwdlc_int_01
start vwdlc_int_02
start simpletp-bySimpleX
start ch3_additions
start ch3_04
start ch3_08
start ch3_12
start ch3_lod
start ch3_occl
start ch3_rd1a
start cityhills_03
start cityhills_03_metadata
# start esx_tpnrp_luckywheel
start DiamondBlackjack
start slotmachine_1
start esx_securitycam
# start sawu_hookers
# start program-casino
start burgershot
# start cratedrop
start hotdog
start hamburger
start esx_tgo_watercoolers
start xnVending
start LifeInvader
# start horizon_autodrive
start dgrp_mcdonaldsjob
start PoliceBuddy
# start eden_animal
start esx_strippers
start Larrys
start polchiron
start 2015polstang
start r8ppi
start dyc3db11
start bb-dices
start Delboys
start qalle-wheelchair
start teslax
# start esx_plasticsurgery
# start esx_duty
start crackhouse
start gh_house
# start fishy_alcohol
# start esx_criminalrecords
start mhacking
start dashcam
start airports
start yaluxe
# start FireScript
# start ParadoxFireDispatch
# add_ace group.admin “command.startfire” allow
# start BigWetHose
# start bentleybentayga
# start chevytahoe
# start rollsroycewraith
start AnchorBoat
start ectrader
# start contextmenu
start hashtoname
start esx_jb_advanced_truck_inventory
start tevi_carthief
start loffe_robbery
start esx_makeitrain
start ShelbysStripperGear
# start pun_idgun
# start umt-warehouse
# start warehouse2map
# start warehousemap
# start spotifive
# start esx_computing
# start lifeinvaderpatoche
# start liftsarish
start rojo_billboard
start krusher_rotonda
start Kyk-RedeemCodes
start KRUSHER_Rick_and_Morty
start orp_mpsumclothes
start VendingMachines
start ad2
# start vehcontrol
start KRUSHER_Liberty
start car-scooter
start scooterRent
start ymap-ch-pacificbank
start verpi_park_xmas
start Christmas_Festival
start XMASMega
# start hungerthirst
# start speedometer
# start gcivic
start yrp_hud-main
Server is still a development server. I hope it will be public so that everyone can take a look at it.
Yes, Esx

FiveM gibt den Spielern eine Möglickeit auf den dedizierten Servern zu spielen und viele Modifikationen zu installieren. Man kann also GTA V basis nehmen und alles so verändern wie man will um Spaß mit den anderen Spielern zu haben.
FiveM Skripte, MLO, YMAP, Tutorial, Installationsanleitungen alles was sich umd die RP Welt dreht um Server und Spieler glücklicht zu machen.
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